Massachusetts Voters and Drivers Agree:

RIDESHARE drivers should have the option to join a union – just like other workers.

The option to join a union is guaranteed for most workers, but rideshare drivers don't have that choice. 

Drivers are struggling to support their families despite working in a billion-dollar industry.

After expenses, they take home less than $15 an hour, the minimum wage, with no protections against arbitrary deactivations that make it impossible to support their families. Vote YES on Question 3 to ensure drivers can challenge these unfair practices.

Drivers Want The Option To Join a Union

A YES vote on Question 3 will…

Empower rideshare drivers in Massachusetts by giving them the option to form a union, while also maintaining flexibility and independence. This will help them negotiate for better pay, working conditions, and job protections.

Stand with us!

Stand with the 95% of rideshare drivers who want the option to join a union

*Source: United for Justice Driver Poll August 2024.

Supported by:

Attorney General Andrea Campbell | Rep. Jim McGovern | Rep. Lori Trahan | Lawrence Mayor Brian DePeña | State Rep. James Arena-DeRosa | State Rep. Shirley Arriaga | State Rep. Christine Barber | State Rep. Manny Cruz | State Rep. Daniel Donahue | State Rep. Paul Donato | State Rep. Michelle DuBois | State Rep. Patricia Duffy | State Rep. Rodney Elliott | State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier | State Rep. Carmine Gentile | State Rep. Jim Hawkins | State Rep. Natalie Higgins | State Rep. Russell Holmes | State Rep. Kevin Honan | State Rep. Mary Keefe | State Rep. Michael Kushmerek |

Attorney General Andrea Campbell | Rep. Jim McGovern | Rep. Lori Trahan | Lawrence Mayor Brian DePeña | State Rep. James Arena-DeRosa | State Rep. Shirley Arriaga | State Rep. Christine Barber | State Rep. Manny Cruz | State Rep. Daniel Donahue | State Rep. Paul Donato | State Rep. Michelle DuBois | State Rep. Patricia Duffy | State Rep. Rodney Elliott | State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier | State Rep. Carmine Gentile | State Rep. Jim Hawkins | State Rep. Natalie Higgins | State Rep. Russell Holmes | State Rep. Kevin Honan | State Rep. Mary Keefe | State Rep. Michael Kushmerek |

State Rep. David LeBoeuf | State Rep. Jack Lewis | State Rep. Jay Livingstone | State Rep. Samantha Montano | State Rep. Frank Moran | State Rep. James O’Day | State Rep. Steven Owens | State Rep. Francisco Paulino | State Rep. Estela Reyes | State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa | State Rep. Margaret Scarsdale | State Rep. Danillo Sena | State Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven | State Sen. Mike Brady | State Sen. Brendan Crighton | State Sen. John Cronin | State Sen. James B. Eldridge | State Sen. Paul Feeney | State Sen. Cindy Friedman |

State Rep. David LeBoeuf | State Rep. Jack Lewis | State Rep. Jay Livingstone | State Rep. Samantha Montano | State Rep. Frank Moran | State Rep. James O’Day | State Rep. Steven Owens | State Rep. Francisco Paulino | State Rep. Estela Reyes | State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa | State Rep. Margaret Scarsdale | State Rep. Danillo Sena | State Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven | State Sen. Mike Brady | State Sen. Brendan Crighton | State Sen. John Cronin | State Sen. James B. Eldridge | State Sen. Paul Feeney | State Sen. Cindy Friedman |

State Sen. Adam Gomez | State Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen | State Sen. Jason Lewis | State Sen. Paul Mark | State Sen. Pavel Payano | Latinos unidos en Massachusetts (LUMA) | Brazilian Worker Center | Care in Action | Center for American Progress Action (CAP Action) | Center for Community Change Action (CCA) | Color of Change | MA Senior Action Council | Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) | Merrimack Valley Project (MVP) | National Domestic Workers Alliance | Our Revolution | True Alliance Center | Greater Boston Interfaith Organization | Haitian Americans United, Inc. | Women's March |

State Sen. Rebecca Rausch

State Rep. Dylan Fernandes

State Sen. Adam Gomez | State Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen | State Sen. Jason Lewis | State Sen. Paul Mark | State Sen. Pavel Payano | Latinos unidos en Massachusetts (LUMA) | Brazilian Worker Center | Care in Action | Center for American Progress Action (CAP Action) | Center for Community Change Action (CCA) | Color of Change | MA Senior Action Council | Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) | Merrimack Valley Project (MVP) | National Domestic Workers Alliance | Our Revolution | True Alliance Center | Greater Boston Interfaith Organization | Haitian Americans United, Inc. | Women's March | State Sen. Rebecca Rausch State Rep. Dylan Fernandes

In The News

  • AP: Massachusetts ballot question would give Uber and Lyft drivers right to form a union

  • State House News Service: Ad Buy, Endorsements Launch Union Driver Question

  • Boston Globe: Uber, Lyft drivers kick off campaign in support of union ballot measure

Vote Yes on Question 3

A YES vote will give Massachusetts rideshare drivers the option to join a union while also maintaining driver flexibility and independence. The option to join a union is guaranteed for most workers but rideshare drivers don't have that choice.

Vote YES on 3 to allow rideshare drivers the option to choose a union, just like other workers have had for generations, so they can bargain for better pay, benefits and safer rides.