Our Endorsements

Elected leaders and community groups across Massachusetts support drivers' fight for the option to join a union.

U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley

State Sen. Paul Feeney

State Sen. Cindy Friedman

Lawrence Mayor Brian DePeña

State Sen. Adam Gomez

State Sen. Brendan Crighton

State Sen. James B. Eldridge

State Sen. Jason Lewis

State Sen. John Cronin

State Sen. Liz Miranda

State Sen. Mike Brady

State Sen. Paul Mark

State Sen. Pavel Payano

State Sen. Sal DiDomenico

State Sen. Julian Cyr

State Rep. Carmine Gentile

State Rep. Christine Barber

State Rep Christopher Worrell

State Rep. Daniel Donahue

State Rep. Danillo Sena

State Rep. David LeBoeuf

State Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven

State Rep. Estela Reyes

State Rep. Francisco Paulino

State Rep. Frank Moran

State Rep. Dave Rogers

Lawrence City Councilor At-Large Celina Reyes

Lawrence City Councilor District E Stephanie Infante

Unitarian Universalist Mass Action

Worcester Interfaith

SEIU Massachusetts State Council

Service Employees International Union

True Alliance Center

Women's March

Neighbors United for a Better East Boston (NUBE)

U.S. Rep Jim McGovern

State Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen

State Rep. Jack Lewis

State Rep. James Arena-DeRosa

State Rep. Jay Livingstone

State Rep. Jim Hawkins

State Rep. John Moran

State Rep. Kevin Honan

State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa

State Rep. Manny Cruz

State Rep. Margaret Scarsdale

State Rep. Mary Keefe

State Rep. Michael Kushmerek

State Rep. Michelle DuBois

State Rep. Mike Connolly

State Rep. Natalie Higgins

State Rep. Patricia Duffy

State Rep. Paul Donato

State Rep. Rodney Elliott

State Rep. Russell Holmes

State Rep. Samantha Montano

State Rep. Shirley Arriaga

State Rep. Steven Owens

State Rep. Tommy Vitolo

State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier

State Rep. Dylan Fernandes

State Sen. Rebecca Rausch

Boston City Councilor Enrique Pepén

Chelsea City Councilor Roberto Jimenez-Rivera

Our Revolution

Reclaim Roxbury

Refugees & Immigrants Cultural Empowerment Massachusetts (RICEMA)

Springfield No One Leaves

North Shore Community Development Coalition (North Shore CDC)

MA Attorney General Andrea Campbell

State Rep. James O’Day

Brazilian Worker Center

Care in Action

Center for American Progress Action (CAP Action)

Chinese Progressive Association

Codman Square NDC

Community Change Action (CCA)

Color of Change

District 15, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM)

Greater Boston Interfaith Org

Haitian Americans United, Inc.

Hopkinton DTC

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA)

La Colaborativa

Latinos unidos en Massachusetts (LUMA)

Latinx Center for Community Empowerment (LCCE)

Local 32BJ, Service Employees International Union


SEIU 509

SEIU 888


MA Senior Action Council

Mass Budget

Marcus Anthony Hall Education Institute (MAHEI)

Merrimack Valley Project (MVP)

Metrowest Alliance

National Domestic Workers Alliance

New England United for Justice (NEU4J)